Ask The Universe for Something That Exists

Townsend Wardlaw
1 min readAug 7, 2020


One of my favorite questions to ask is, “What do you want more than anything.”

A client recently shared his greatest desire was Security.

As we unpacked this, I asked how having Security would look and feel.

He described a world where nothing bad could happen to him or his family and shared his belief that having more money would create this state.

I challenged his notion that such a place existed, “Do you believe any quantity of money can ensure Safety?”

“It does sound funny when I hear it out loud… maybe there is no such thing as Security,” he admitted.

“If Security is not a ‘real’ destination, perhaps those moments you feel insecure are the only problem,” I suggested.

“Yeah, I don’t like those,” he shared.

“But aren’t they inevitable?” I asked.

“I guess so,” he agreed.

“What if, instead of asking the Universe for something that doesn’t exist, you asked for something that does,” I offered.

“What would that look like?” he responded.

“What if you asked the Universe for acceptance of those times when you felt insecure?” I suggested.

“That sounds like something I might be able to get my hands on,” he laughed.



Townsend Wardlaw

I help inspiring people make more money, create massive impact, and be ridiculously happy.